Baby Must Haves: Newborn Stage

Welcome to parenthood! You are expecting a new member to your family and everyone you know has recommendations for what you’ll need. During my first pregnancy I found this very overwhelming because I didn’t know what I needed so I bought way too much for the baby. Now that our baby is past the newborn stage, I’m happy to share what we used the most!

All items linked here!

  • Earth Mama diaper balm. This little jar of balm is amazing and a little goes a long way to keep that in mind. We do still use aquaphor on our little girl but use earth mama at bedtime and it’s also in my diaper bag.

  • Halo baby sleep swaddle. I swear if halo made one of these for moms, I’d buy it. This swaddle was a lifesaver at nights to help baby stay cozy, with her arms in and is also sleep safe. Everyone will sell you adorable baby blankets but until about 1yrs old they aren’t recommended for unmonitored sleep so this is the loophole! A blanket that safely zips up around your baby and allows them to sleep tight.

  • Door storage/organizer. If you have room for a changing station in your bedroom then great! We didn’t have that much extra space in our master so I purchased a door storage unit. It hangs behind your bedroom door and has space for everything from diapering stuff to extra clothes.

Gerber Zip-up onsies. Button onsies exist and I don’t understand why for the life of me! At 3am when your baby needs another diaper changes, you don’t want to be fussing with buttons. Zip-up onsies are great for bedtime and baby can wear all the cute button stuff during the day.

  • Snuggle me nursing pillow. There are so many nursing pillows out there and I tried the Snuggle me and the Boppy; though the snuggle me is x2 the price, I would definitely still pick it over the Boppy. The Snuggle me is tapered at the ends so it allows you to sit back with ease and the filing is nice and firm. With the Boppy I found the shape not every comfortable and the stuffing didn’t hold up as well.

  • Bella B cradle cap shampoo. Almost every baby is born with cradle cap , which is a flaky skin condition that goes away over time. Our baby girl was born with a head full of hair but it was very light in one area where she had cradle cap. After trying basic mineral oils, I realized hers was a bit more persistent so I looked into cradle cap shampoos. This one was by far my favorite and seemed to work the best (for us). Within a few washes her cradle cap was gone and her hair began coming in fuller in that area as well.