Savory French Toast (Unda Bread Pakora)

savory french toast

French toast has always been a BRUNCH classic with lots of maple syrup and powdered sugar but why isn't there a savory version? Well this recipe is exactly that; a CRISPY, EGGY, and AROMATIC version of a classic that is best served hot with ketchup on the side!

This recipe is based on an Indian approach to French toast that my mom always made when I was younger and it appealed to all members of my family. Over the years I made tweaks to this and realized its best simple; simple is the best way to start the day.

PREP TIME: 5 minutes l COOK TIME: 10 minutes l TOTAL TIME: 15 minutes


  • 4 pieces of break

  • 3 eggs

  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin

  • ½ teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 tablespoon milk


Serving size: 2 pieces of bread

  1. Cut the pieces in half and toast until both sides are lightly browned

  2. In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, cumin, pepper, milk and salt.

  3. Toss each piece of toasted bread pieces in the mix and begin to pan fry them in batches.

    • For a crispy French toast, quickly toss the bread in the mix for a few seconds per side only.

    • For a more eggs toast, double the egg mixture and let the bread soak for 5 minutes.

french toast cooking

Enjoy with a side of ketchup and your favorite hot sauce!

french toast